By golly . . . he finally got it!

Today I decided to try nursing JSL again (with the shield). We try it every day or two, but he typically doesn’t suck much and falls asleep. Today he was hungry about 2 hours after I had pumped and I decided to give it a shot. I was shocked he was cooing and happy, closed his eyes a few times . . . but stayed latched and eating. I have not pumped since early this morning and probably won’t until closer to bed. This took a little over 2 weeks for JSL to get, but he got it long before NHL did since I knew tricks and things to do. So we shall see how this continues. The nice thing is we have the doctors appointment Tuesday and we just got his weight so I can see how he does with nursing if we don’t pump and feed too much. I did give him one bottle when we went out. We went to my school to visit people at a meeting this afternoon. He got hungry and I let my co-worker feed him.

Now the little guy is sleeping peacefully all scrunched up in his boppy:
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C’est Moi
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