4 Year Portrait H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

Yesterday was portrait day. NHL was 4 in August so it was time to get this done. We were going to do family ones as well, but opted not to at the last moment. Normally we go to Sears, but this time we figured we would try JC Penney. Thanks to nice coupons and trying to save money we thought this was a good idea. When the sky opened up on our way out of the door I should have known to head back into the house and under the covers. Unfortunately we didn’t acknowledge the sign and continued with our plans. 

We now know why it always looks like the studio where we went is busy. If there is more than one customer waiting it is packed. It was a mess even before we tried to take photos. It just got worse from there. We went into the room after waiting a while. The girl set up the area and NHL got all antsy. We could see he was getting tired and he was very clingy with JL. Then as things were almost ready he was asking to leave for lunch. He didn’t want to do the photos. I was ready to scream at that point since he was hysterical and about to cry. I tried to stay calm and gave JSL a bottle I pumped before leaving.

NHL did not want to get up on the platform for the photos. He made a deal to hold JL’s hand. This was not cool since we could not have JL’s arm floating into the photo. No matter what we did he wouldn’t let go. There’s no doubt a lot of this was from the PreK leaving daddy, being hungry, cranky from the gross weather, but give me a break. After what seemed like forever the girl was able to get 6-8 shots. So we went to wait and see them on the computer.

And wait, and wait and wait and wait.

There were two people who must have thought that selecting photos is rocket science. It was ridiculous since their photos were not even taken yesterday. JL was rolling his eyes, NHL was curled up in his arms almost asleep, and JSL was fussing. I wanted to just take off since I darn well knew the photos were not going to be worth the wait.

Finally the people were done and it was our turn. Impressed I was not. There were two shots that were OK, but nothing special. We quickly agreed to leave and think about it. They save the negtives (yes they actually still use film there) for 90 days so we can think about it. JL and I have decided we are going to pass at this point and see if we can get NHL into another location – possibly a different JC Penney or Sears. Perhaps the extra money is worth it if they can get a decent shot.

Thanks to this fun and the weather I had a miserable migraine that would not go away yesterday afternoon and is still kind of lingering this morning. That should make taking JSL for his 4 month visit and immunization even more fun.


C’est Moi


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  • aubrey says:

    Hey I can’t help but want to comment since I work for the same company that you took the boys to. I want to apologize for your experience and wish I could do something from here to fix it. I am very surprised that they haven’t converted to digital yet being in New York, we converted last month. It is a lot easier without the big table. I am also surprised at the way that you say they approached a young child who was tired. I am very upset by it actually and wish you lived closer to me so I could help you. All I can say is try a different studio and a different photographer Let me know if I can help you any more. (Hugs) love ya!

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Aubrey: I was giving them the benefit of the doubt and tried this store. I had heard bad stories about this store in the past, but wanted to see how it would go. JL did not want to since he was upset that they were not digital. The girl did tell me that they plan to go digital nationwide, but they start from corporate and move out across the country.

    Now we’re debating what to do. There are two other JCP near here, but not that close. The furthest one from us has the best reputation and my friend has told us a good photographer to request. We’ll see if we go there or back to the competition where we’ve gone the past three years. Right now I want to get NHL over the hump with school since he’s such a basket-case.

    Tonight at dinner he flipped out when JL was making dinner in the kitchen, he was at the dining room table, and I was in the living room nursing JSL. He wanted us in the same room with him since he’s been home today. It’s nice to be wanted, but the clinging and screaming is beyond acceptable. We were visible for him and it’s an open space.

    Thanks for the hugs – I needed them!

    C’est Moi

  • aubrey says:

    I heard they should all be digital next year. Do you have a Target close to you? Lifetouch owns both studios. I really wish you were closer and come by my studio. :) It is very frustrating to know that it is ‘my’ company and I can’t do anything to help! Digital is very awesome though I Love it! I had a link to my kids pics taken there on S3. That was when they were film though. That table is pretty scary looking and I can’t blame NHL for freaking out.
    I am right there with ya on the clinging on you 24/7 thing. Since I started working my babygirl has been the same way. It is no fun at all! She won’t even fall asleep by herself anymore!
    And just incase you need them still here are some more hugs!

  • TheAngelForever says:

    aubrey I believe one of the Targets north of us has a photo place, but I have not heard the best things about them. After things settle down I am going to try to make an appointment at the “good” JCP that my friend uses. A longer ride there twice may be worth it in the end.

    Sorry to hear that you have the clingy issues as well. That has to be tough since you have been home with her all this time. The good news is we all know that kids are resilient and bounce back quickly. It just stinks when you have to live through it.

    Hugs coming your way too.

    C’est Moi

  • aubrey says:

    Hey. I just wanted to let you know that I talked to my manager and she wanted to know if you knew the studio number or at least the location of the studio that you went to. So that we can comp you for it and let someone know. I will send a certificate out your way soon. love ya

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Aubrey: That was so sweet of you to talk to you manager. I have a feeling this is just a really wacky JCP studio. Most people I know have good luck with them in other locations. I have to look up the store number and see if I can find it on the “receipt” that we have with the photos we can select. I need to make another appointment and try again up north of here. I may see if I can go to the one my friend loves and ask for the woman who does her portraits. We shall see how NHL is this week and maybe Wednesday I will see what they have for the weekend. I just know I do not want to use his school portraits which are Oct. 3rd. I think I’ll just order one of him and his class picture like I do all years. Then when he’s a senior I’ll get more. His B-day is just too close to class picture time.

    I will get back to you with information later.

    C’est Moi