Walmart in Hot Water

My friend L just IM’d me the following website about a mother who had a Wawlmart security guard try to take her baby from her. Apparently a code Adam was called and they didn’t follow protocol. Rather than lock down the store they went to this innocent woman and traumatized her and tried to take her child. Here are links to articles about it:

Stacy’s Blog about the incident

The Consumerist details about the events

It really got JL and I thinking. How do you prove an infant is yours? Clearly this child was clinging to the mother in horror, but they don’t have ID for the child. So what do you do? There is project Safe Child all over the country. The problem with these ID cards is that children, especially infants, change so drastically in just a few short weeks, no less months. There’s no doubt in my mind that this will get people thinking and perhaps help to prevent something like this from happening to another parent and child.

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  • aubrey says:

    oh wow! pissed is not even a strong enough word for how I would have been! I got all fired up ready to go off just reading that! It is very scary to think about it. wow I hope that something gets done about that.

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Aubrey: I agree with you. The thing is it also made me think about what ifs. I know NHL could and would tell someone who his parents are, but JSL can’t and we don’t have ID for him. Kind of frightening. It will be interesting to see if this makes the national news soon and how it helps to change things.

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