Rolling over for new stuffed friend

I knew it was just a matter of time . . . but now I know I am doomed with JSL! The little guy has been rolling from his tummy to back since he was a month or so old. Recently he’s been very close to going from his back to tummy, but he always stops just before he completes the roll. That was until today!

This ladies and gentlemen is what the little monkey needed to motivate him.


This fuzzy kitty cat is super soft and best of all MACHINE WASHABLE!  This is so very important with an infant since so many stuffed friends are only able to be surface washed.

JSL was on the ground at my parents house. I asked JL to toss me the kitty so JSL could play with it. When JL threw it, kitty landed on JSL’s tummy not the floor. Rather than act scared he started to laugh. Of course we had to try this several more times. Then we noticed that JSL looked for the kitty when it went on the floor next to him. I put the kitty just out of his reach and he rolled part way over to try to grab it. Mom, Dad, JL, NHL and I watched as JSL rolled all the way over onto his tummy for the first time!!!!  The only problem he had was at the end when his hand got stuck under his belly.

Now I am sure he’s going to work on this the next few days and before I know it he will be rolling all over the place. *sigh*  I guess this is what happens with kids that have older siblings to want to go after.

Here are a few additional photos of JSL with kitty.






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  • Sandra says:

    HaHa!! I LOVE the look on the last one!! He is so darn cuuuute!!

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Sandra: Thanks :)

    lol – JL got some hilarious shots with his camera too. The poor kid was being bombarded with flash from two cameras at once.