My Baby is 1

I just spent the last few hours looking at photos from the last year. The first year of JSL’s little life has now come and gone. It seems like yesterday when I was VERY pregnant and upset that the little guy did not listen to my eviction notice. Here I am just eight days before my life changed forever. 

Ready to pop!

The day before JSL was born was Mother’s Day last year. It was a lazy day where I rested a lot and was not feeling the best. The next morning I got out of bed and before I was able to stand all the way up I heard a loud pop and ran to the bathroom. I recalled this from almost four years earlier when it happened with NHL. I calmly went back to the bedroom and woke JL up to tell him the news. The rest of the story can be seen here.

It is so hard to believe that my baby is one. I am not ready for this and am in denial. Yet as I sit here looking through all of the memories of  JSL’s first year I know it is true. I have tears in my eyes because I flash back to February, a horrible month that almost stole my baby from me.

Here are some photos from each month of JSL’s 1st year.

May 2007

May 2007 -  - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – Right after he was born.   2 – Big brother NHL comes to take JSL home. 3 – Sleeping in the Papasan on loan from Laura. 4 – Right before his bris.

June 2007

June 2007  - Looking back JSL is 1!

1- So tiny in his car seat.  2 – Big brother NHL taken JSL for a walk. 3 – All curled up to sleep.   4 – Big smiles!

July 2007

July 2007  - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – First time in his swing – other wise known as his "Thinking place"   2- Mommy and her boys  3 – Kiss from big brother NHL  4- Sitting up alone on the couch

August 2007

August 2007  - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – In Nana’s arms at Aunt M’s baby shower   2 – Vegging out with big brother NHL   3 – Time to romp in the new to us ExerSaucer … another "Thinking spot" 4 – Posing for the camera with his Very Hungry Caterpillar bib

September 2007

September 2007 - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – Brotherly love   2 – Creeping in his crib    3 – At the apple orchard in Mom’s arms    4 – Look at those chubby thighs!

October 2007

October 2007  - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – Wearing the Ark outfit    2 – Amused by Mommy taking lots of photos  3 – One cool dude!    4 – Monkey NHL and penguin JSL at Halloween

 November 2007

November 2007  - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – Wearing new outfit for photo shoot    2 – First solid food   3 – Story time with NHL and Daddy  4 – Cuddles with Mommy

December 2007

December 2007 - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – Photo shoot for our holiday cards with NHL   2 – Lots of fun jumping in the ExerSaucer   3 – Sleeping in the car next to big brother NHL   4 – Cuddle time on flannel sheets.

January 2008

January 2008 - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – Big smiles and lots of teeth  2 – Ready for the cold to pick up big brother from school  3 – Wearing jeans for the first time    4 – Snuggling pirate ducky blanket made by Laura.

February 2008

February 2008 - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – Asleep after coming in from the cold   2 – During four day hospital stay after febrile seizure  3 – Cozy surrounded by lots of flannel   4 – Brothers are reunited and snuggling

March 2008

March 2008 -  - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – Brother bonding time    2 – Messy baby face    3 – Loving his bouncy zebra    4 – Standing up in crib to say hello

April 2008

April 2008 - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – Whipped cream loving baby   2 – Walking with his new lion toy from Nana and Papa  3 – Playing soccer outside with Daddy and NHL   4 – Passover with his matzoh bib

May 2008

May 2008 - Looking back JSL is 1!

1 – Lots of laughs with big brother NHL    2 – Sleep eating     3 – First time on the Merry-go-round with Daddy    4 – Opening presents at his birthday party

Happy 1st birthday JSL – we are so blessed to have you in our lives. Always know that Mommy loves her snuggle puppy and can not wait to continue to watch you grow (just stop doing it so quickly – PLEASE).


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  • Elaine says:

    Love all the pics and your cupcake turned out great! I am making one on Friday night. I hope it turns out as nice as yours did. I may be hounding you with questions! HA! My baby is one on Thursday and I will have a similar retrospective. JSL is so cute!!

  • Laura says:

    Happy Birthday, JSL!
    I’m passing your Mommy the “stop growing brick” so you grow just a tad more slowly. Isaac refuses to allow me to use it on him, so I figured your Mommy could try it on you!

    **BIG HUGS**

  • Renee says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JSL!!!!!!!!!!!! We hope you have a very special day and that this year is wonderful for you and your whole family!!!

  • kailani says:

    Happy Birthday JSL! It’s great that you took lots of photos. It’s so easy to forget how young they once was.

  • Kim says:

    Happy Birthday JSL. I enjoyed the pics B!

  • Shawna says:

    Happy belated birthday, JSL–hopefully you understand that I’m a little behind in my blog reading! It’s great to see how he’s grown and changed throughout the year!