Grilling Goodness – Take 13



1. Do you prefer reality tv or dramas or comedies? – Used to really love comedies, but there have not been many good ones in recent years. Like to watch Dancing with the Stars, The Biggest Loser, and a few other reality shows. Still, my favorites are dramas like Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice and Desperate Housewives.

2. If you could have free cosmetic surgery, what would you have done? – Probably breast reduction surgery. Of course since I saw the surgery on television once I now am sure I will be a chicken and never consider it.

3. What are you itching to get but you have not ‘bitten the bullet’? – My little digital camera died not even a year after I bought it and I still have not replaced it. There are just other things that we need. For now I will share hubby’s camera.

4. Do you have a bad habit that you hope your children don’t pick up? – I hope my kids are not as wishy-washy as me. When pressed hard I can easily make a decisions, but on the little things I have a hard time.

5. What was your favorite meal growing up? – Loved my mothers chicken soup with matzah balls. She put dill in it and it made it extra yummy.

6. What meal did you have as a youngster that you don’t have as an adult? – I remember going to have steamed clams with my mother and friends after swim lessons. Not something I do now.

7. What is your earliest memory of a "vacation"? Where’d you go?
– I still remember going to Disney World with my family when I was really little. The first trip I have major memories of was when I was in kindergarten or so and we went with family friends.

8. What was the "Best Thing" you ever got for Christmas, before age 12?
– Most years my birthday came at about the same time as Chanukah, so a lot of the gifts blended together. My cabbage patch kids or Barbie Town House would probably rank way up there.


Head over to Golden Goodness to play along!


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