Birthday present list

Each year at about this time, people start to ask me what I want for my birthday. Most of the time I have no clue. There are things I would love, but when it comes time to list them I draw a blank.

Today, we were out shopping and something caught my eye. I just had to take a photo of it with my cell phone (thus the reason the quality is not the best).

Twilight Barbies

Even though I am a fan of the Twilight series, I can tell you this is something I do not want for my birthday. My friend had mentioned that these existed, but this was the first time I had seen them in person. They kind of scared me. Not the dolls themselves. The part that scared me was who they were marketed to. The usual Barbie fan is certainly not of the age that would be reading/watching the Twilight series. So who exactly are these for? Are teens, college age people and adults really going to buy these for keepsakes?

Now, let’s be serious for a few moments. What do I want for my birthday? Really, I have no major clue. I told TechyDad that we should finally purchase our tickets for BlogHer ’10 since we have the hotel booked. That worked for me. Perhaps a play that is coming to town would be nice. There are some earrings that I would like, but are probably out of price range. Not sure of anything else.

Please help. . . I would love some suggestions.



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  • Susan says:

    I could go into the other really weird Twilight thing that I saw a few months ago, but this is a PG blog and I won’t do that to you :)
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Working =-.

  • Kim says:

    I bought the action figures for my window in my office at school. They’re not quite the same as the Barbie style ones you’ve got pictured. I’ll try to take a picture of them if I get a chance after we’re done unpacking 63 boxes of new books tomorrow! :D
    .-= Kim´s last blog ..Thoughts on the social web =-.

  • michelle wong says:

    wow lol never thought of twilight toy figures

  • Jessie C. says:

    I don’t even know they have toy figures! Thanks for bring this up, and no I don’t want these for my birthday either.