Being Brave and Channeling My Inner Merida

Disney’s Brave burst onto the scene last year and everyone was talking about Merida and how feisty she was. I recall people mentioning what a great role model she was for young girls. We finally got to sit down and watch Brave the other day. Our entire family was swept away into the movie. I adore it for many reasons. One of those is that Merida is not fixated on her appearance. She loves her hair, wants to keep it out, and literally tosses it into the wind.

The Disney princess has no problems allowing her frizzy, long, red hair fly. Imagine that – not spending a fortune trying to tame your tresses. While out and about after watching the movie, the wind kicked up and my hair was down. It was flying around. I noted to TechyDad that I was channeling my “Inner Merida” at the time. Of course, in hind sight, it was really my outer Merida.

Merida and her frizzy hair in Brave

This winter, I have a feeling I may toss my hair up, ease off the Frizz-Ease items pictured above and allow my hair to be free. Yes, I will be channeling Merida while I just keep swimming along from day to day. The reality is that frizzy hair or not, I need to spend more time focusing on more important things in life.

Can you identify with Merida in any way? I would love to know how you view this spunky princess and if you are comfortable letting your hair down.

It's Me

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