102 is not a nice number

No, 102 is not a nice number at all. This is especially true if you are talking about my temperature this morning. The sweet little boy pictured below shared very well with me. I ache all over, have chills that make my entire body shake, pounding headache, and the lovely fever is present to boot.

So tired

Never doubt that a child likes to share in our house . . . especially an illness like the flu.

*groan*  – it hurts to type. I was shivering in bed before whining to JL that I want to knit. Unfortunately it is difficult to knit when every bone and muscle in my body aches. Who knew that my fingers and wrists could pulse?!?!  I miss knitting – no I take that back. I really miss being healthy and being sickie free. This of course would allow me to knit, read, clean (man I must really be sick if I just typed that), and do piles of laundry that have grown this week.

The good news (yes there is some) is that NHL is feeling much better. After being cooped up in the house for the last week NHL was finally allowed to go out. Nana took him for a special day with her. They started off going to breakfast and then went to see Horton Hears a Who. NHL had a very nice time and was talking about their adventure to the theater all evening.

Thanks to my mother taking NHL, JL was able to assist me with JSL. The poor little monkey was so upset that big brother was gone. He kept crawling around looking for him and calling his name. He was thrilled at one point when NHL called and talked with him on the phone.

On that note the iboprofen is starting to kick in (hot flash starting as temperature falls). I best be off to rest while I am able to. Hopefully I will dream about a house free of sickies!


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  • Oh no…so sorry you’ve got the sickies going around still. We have been there too. I sure hope everyone feels better soon.
    Poor little fella looks miserable. Sending you some feel better wishes!!!!!

  • Oh dear. I do hope you are both feeling better soon. Being sick is just NO fun. Wow, I can’t believe all the snow you guys got! That’s amazing!

    Take care and rest up.

  • kailani says:

    I hope your family is taking good care of you! Get well soon!

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Melanie: I hope you are feeling better today – especially since it is your birthday! Have a great day and thanks so much for the well wishes. I can not wait to start your new KAL later.

    Mommy Cracked: Thanks for the well wishes! Thankfully most of the snow is gone already. When I went outside yesterday for the first time in days it was nearly melted away. Hopefully that will be the last of the winter weather until next season.

    Kailani: Thanks! My husband was sweet and helped to let me sleep yesterday morning when I needed the rest. After that he helped me to watch the boys so I could do three huge loads of laundry.

    C’est Moi

  • Candi says:

    Man—it is hard enough to have a sick child, but being a sick momma totally stinks!! I hope you are feeling better soon!!

    My husband took Logan to see Horton Hears a Who the weekend it came out…..Logan loved it!

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Candi: Thank you for the well wishes (sorry for the delay in responding). Glad to hear that your little guy also liked the movie. NHL keeps requesting to hear the book read to him at night since he saw the movie.

    C’est Moi