A Baby’s Eye View

There are days that I wish I could read JSL’s mind. What does he think of the giant world around him? What exactly are those little blue eyes looking at? 

Through a baby's eyes

In just a few short hours we will be having JSL’s 1st birthday party with our family. I can only imagine what he will be thinking with everyone at Nana and Papa’s house. Will be love or hate the attention? Is he going to enjoy frosting for the first time? So many firsts all in one day for a little guy who has not seen the world for an entire year. 

Hanging out with Mom

As I sit here the day before Mother’s Day I have tears running down my cheek thinking about the year that has gone by.

A year ago I sat so horribly uncomfortable waiting for my little guy to arrive. He ignored all of the notices to vacate and came on his own schedule. JL and I tried to cherish the last moments with NHL before he became a big brother.

On Mother’s Day last year I had no idea what the following 24 hours would bring. I was exhausted that day and quite uncomfortable. My body must have known something was going on and made sure I took a long nap. JL brought NHL to the park and had an amazing time there while I caught up on sleep. It was a very lazy day, but a great one none the less.

The following morning I had the surprise of my life as my water broke standing up getting out of bed. The sound of the pop sent chills down my spine. I knew I was going to be a mommy again and was so thrilled to know I would soon meet my new little fellow.

Over the next few days I am going to try to gather things to showcase JSL’s 1st year before he officially turns one on Wednesday.

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone – have a wonderful special day! 


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  • Lori says:

    Beth you just brought a tear to my eye. Happy birthday little man and Happy mothers day to a great mommy.