A sign of Mommy’s love for CVS

Last Tuesday morning when NHL was getting ready for school he was playing with his Doodle Pro. He was writing some words and happened to call us over to see one. This is what he wrote out of the blue. . . . 

Masterpiece . . .

Perhaps this is a sign that my CVS shopping bug has spread to NHL. He actually likes to go with me and gets upset when I go alone or he does not see a new store.

I am off to look at this weeks ad to see if there is anything I am going to go for. The Dial soap is intriguing, but I do not recall too many other items.


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  • Candi says:

    I didn’t see this in the ad, but when I went there the other night, for the month of May they have Colgate 360 toothbrushes for $3.99 and then Extra care bucks for $3.99…making them free.

    Pretty cute that he wrote out CVS!! Several months back we were at Ikea and were eating there. Lucas kept saying Costco over and over. I mean, I knew Costco was across the street, but couldn’t figure out why he was saying it. Finally I leaned down to his level and there was a Costco sign on the back of the building and we go to Costco often enough that he knew the word!!

  • Oh my gosh!!! Hahaha!! That is too cute!! Your little guy certainly knows where Mommy shops!

  • Kim says:

    That’s hilarious! Glad that he’s doing so well with his letters! :)