To chop or not to chop

It’s confession time here. I do not get my hair cut very often. Part of the reason is I have done hair donations several times over the years. Other reasons are that I am too cheap and never seem to have time to get it done. When I do decide to do something to my hair, it happens quickly and I just do it.

Before we went to Disney World in May, I went for a major chopping. I had 7+ inches cut off and felt fabulous. My hair was light, curly, and easy to care for. My only request when it was cut was to make sure I could still pull it back into a pony tail. This was crucial with the hot and humid temperatures in Orlando and summer coming here. The stylist was able to do just this.

Here is a photo of TechyDad and me in May. Please note when this photo was taken, it was already 90 degrees and humid that morning as we made our way into the Animal Kingdom.

Disney World hair

I am getting antsy with my hair again. This weekend we are taking the boys to get their hair cut (I think) and I may just get mine done at the same time. Here is a photo that was just taken.

Hair today . . . gone tomorrow?

Oy! It was a no makeup kind of day here and out of control frizz issues with the hair, not a great combo. As you can see, my hair has gotten a lot longer over the last six months and could really use another trip to Disney World some freshening up.

So my question to you this week:

How often do you have your hair cut and do you usually go in with a plan?


BTW – Be sure to check out three giveaways that are going on right now:  Softlips Winter collectionMovie Moments Prize Pack (4 movie tickets and cereal), and Sweet Ones Prize Pack.


Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #75

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  • Heatherlyn says:

    I get my hair trimmed every 8 weeks and my highlights touched up. I’m amazed at how much of a difference it makes on a daily basis to have my hair look right. Ironically, I have long hair so I don’t need to fix it. But the right color makes a big difference every single day. So does the kind of cut.
    .-= Heatherlyn´s last blog ..Our First Wishbone =-.

  • Jennifer says:

    I get my hair cut only a few times a year and I never go in with a plan.
    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Thriller & Suspense Reading Challenge 2010 =-.

  • Olga says:

    I got my hair foiled about ever 3 months and a trim if neccessary! My hair is long and I really like it right now!
    .-= Olga´s last blog ..AloHa FriDaY!!! Woo-Hoo!!!! =-.

  • Simply Cathi says:

    I have my hair trimmed every three to four weeks because I have to have my “white” roots colored that often. :)

  • Vicki says:

    I actually got my hair cut about a week ago. It was almost to my waist and I got it cut just above my shoulders. I went with no plan.

    (I’ve only had my hair cut about three times in the last 20 years, other than trims)
    .-= Vicki´s last blog ..Recipe: Seven Layer Cookie Bar =-.

  • mistie says:

    i only get the dead ends trimmed and very rarely i love my long strait blond hair.
    .-= mistie´s last blog ..Friday Photo Flashback =-.

  • Every 6 weeks like clock work. I go for a color and cut. I’ve been with my hair dresser so long I just let her do whatever. She keeps me looking normal. lol
    .-= Pamela M. Kramer´s last blog ..Freebie Friday – Week 34 =-.

  • I trim my hair like once in 3 months.. i should do it more often but it costs a lot here. Now I’m getting rid of all the hair coloring I’ve done in the past 2 years and want to keep it natural again:) My hair must start loving me back again:)
    Happy Friday!

    *my Aloha Friday’s” up too:)

  • Angela says:

    I get my hair cut every few months. My friend usually does it for me. There’s no real plan, it’s more like just get it off my shoulders and out of my face.
    .-= Angela´s last blog ..Cookies anyone? =-.

  • I get mine cut four times a year. I have long hair like yours and it doesn’t need a lot of styling.

  • AuntieE says:

    I like you, do not like getting my hair cut. i only get it trimmed about twice a year. I have been thinking about getting it cut short again..then I change my mind. I really like it long.
    .-= AuntieE´s last blog ..Aloha Friday -The Dream =-.

  • I wish I got it cut more often. I’ve been thinking about going in to get it reshaped sometime. I can’t do much with it lately. I get mine cut about every six months or even more sometimes. That’s probably too long. I also always get a “shag” because I’m afraid to try anything new that might not turn out good.
    .-= Andrea´s last blog ..What I’ve Been Up To =-.

  • Dee says:

    With kids, about every 6 months or so. It’s hard to get it done more often. I USUALLY go in with a plan

  • Harriet says:

    I’m at the age where I need to go in every 6-8 weeks to become naturally blond again. I know what you mean with the frizz. I usually end up putting my hair up on those days.

    It’s nice to see hat you look like :)
    .-= Harriet´s last blog ..Thank goodness for Friends! =-.

  • I would love to get my hair cut more often, but my last hair cut was in June. My hair is naturally curly like yours. I have a tendency of growing it out and chopping mine off every so many years. I chopped it off last fall. Mine is about shoulder length now.
    .-= Melanie @ Whimsical Creations´s last blog ..Seriously…?!?! =-.

  • Annie says:

    Well, I like to have my hair cute and before my twin girls born I went to cut it every 4 to 8 weeks but, now I went at least 1 time during the year and definitely, that need to change.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Stopping from An Island Life.
    .-= Annie´s last blog ..ALOHA Friday!! =-.

  • joy says:

    I wait and wait and wait and only go in for a trim when I get to looking desperate.
    .-= joy´s last blog ..bizarre names {aloha friday} =-.

  • I get my hair cut about once a year – my hair grows super slow and it saves us money for me to go this often :)

    I go to the same place. I have built a relationship with the lady (she laughs when I come in “has it been a year already?”)
    You should do it! It will make you feel so much better :)
    .-= Annie @ Mama Dweeb´s last blog ..Aloha Friday! Toys =-.

  • I only get it cut once every six months or so, four if I’m lucky. One of my besties from high school is an awesome hairstylist so I see her. The plan is usually make it look good or I’ll kill you. I can’t complain too much though. She usually charges over $100 to do what she does for me and I only pay her like $30 if anything. Gotta love her!
    .-= Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma´s last blog ..Busytown Mysteries Review =-.

  • Shawna says:

    I go every 8 weeks or so (when I was pregnant, it was every 6 because my hair grew so fast). I get it cut the same way I have for the last 2 years or so . . . .booorrriinnggg. But I never leave upset that my hair isn’t what I wanted :)

    And another trip to Disney would definitely do you (and your hair) some good!
    .-= Shawna´s last blog ..Going back =-.

  • Renee Garcia says:

    I got every 8 weeks or so… cut, style, highlights. I have layers so when they start to grow out they are VERY hard to style. I LOVE it short… Frank HATES it, but I’m the one that has to deal with it. I keep it blonde for him so I get to decide on the length! LOL And yes, I agree you need to cut a few inches off then go back to Disney! hehe Or maybe a trip to Nashville is in order?! ;)
    .-= Renee Garcia´s last blog ..Q&A #116 =-.

  • Michelle says:

    I get mine cut every 4-5 months and professionally colored about 2-3 times a year. The other times I need color, I use Nice and Easy, so it will look red and beautiful like yours.