Knitting Lessons after 10 pm = bad news

After running a million errands with the boys this evening (BJ’s Joanns, Target), Madame Squishy Yarn Guru came over. She arrived here at about 9:00 when NHL was already asleep. JSL quickly got cranky, so JL went to get him to sleep in our room (they are now both hogging the entire bed).

Anyway, we were chatting about the fabrics that I had bought for several projects that she has graciously agreed to do on her wonderful sewing machine (Thanks L you are the BESTEST. . . can you tell I am punchy and tired?).  After quite a while it dawned on me – hello dork the Guru is here and you did not ask her to show you the good way to cast on. So I flew to my yarn stash got the Homer Simpson yellow and a set of knitting needles.

Let the comedy of errors begin!

Note to those that knit, teach others to knit, or want to learn to knit –> Do NOT try to learn to do things when lacking in the sleep department, especially after 10 at night.

We seriously could not figure out how to do things.   Wait my hand goes where?   Are you sure that is right?   Where should the yarn go?   Wait is it over and under . . . or over and under?   

We were in hysterics laughing several times. At one point the needle slipped in my hand and I almost took my own eye out. Coordination with knitting needles apparently is not there after a certain time of day with me. Thanks to this incident we were both laughing at having to wake sleeping hubby up to tell him we were off to the ER from a knitting needle mishap. Could you just imagine the look of the faces of the people at triage in the ER for that one? "No seriously, I was just knitting and well . . . ooops!"

Doing the Figure 8 cast on is really not that hard. I just could not get my head to figure out where Laura’s hands were compared to mine, and I was confusing her in return (it’s catchy I tell you). It really was pathetic how we just could not figure out what we were both doing wrong (much more on my end). Then finally the Guru did something and the lights were on and finally somebody in my brain was home.

Yes, I actually got it!!!! So, with any luck tomorrow (or should I say later today since it is technically after midnight now) I will finish NHL’s camouflage scarf and begin the Homer Simpson washcloth for JL.

On that note I best be off to get some sleep since I am amazed I am able to type at all. Hopefully I can locate a space in our bed because the almost 9 month old in our room is a space hog in beds.


** Please remember I am WAY to tired to be typing this now, but wanted to do it because I may block it out in the morning ;)

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