Tuesday Tales – Robotics with Kathy Ceceri

Some of the proudest moments as a parent have been watching my children learn to love and explore the world of science. NHL (10) and JSL (6) both adore doing science experiments, going to science museums, and reading about the wonders of the scientific world. Seeing the expression on their faces as they learn the how’s and why’s of items takes my breath away. If you do not get this, I’m sorry it may just be the geeky science teacher in me coming out

When we went to the Mini Maker Faire at Emma Willard over the weekend, I knew that we had to stop to see Kathy Ceceri. I have known Kathy online for quite a while and we often chat about the world of education, science, and other items like that. Kathy’s website, Crafts for Learning, highlights ways to make learning more fun. In addition to this, Kathy helped to create the Geek Mom blog and co-authored the book Geek Mom: Projects, Tips, and Adventures for Moms and Their 21st-Century Families. After we visited the TARDIS at the Maker Faire, we walked across the room to the Amazing Robotics area where Kathy book Robotics: Discover the Science and Technology of the Future was featured

Meeting Robotics Author Kathy Ceceri

The boys were a little hesitant at first. They were not sure if they were allowed to touch things. Then Kathy warmed them up. She showed them the different items and explained what they were. The kids were actively engaged, learning, and having fun. While they listened, TechyDad and I took at look at the book and knew that we had to purchase it. The items on the table were in the book and we knew that we would all want to try these again at home. I know the boys can not wait to try to build out own Tiny Robot Walker (Passive Dynamic Mini-Walker in the book). Kathy had one of these on display for the kids to check out and you can see a video she made of it here:

No doubt we will have more to share as we explore more of Kathy’s book and begin to make some of our own items from the Robotics book. Would your children like to explore robotics and make something at home? I would love to hear your thoughts. As always, Tuesday Tales is all about sharing our love of books. Please let me know what you have read recently. Be sure to link up to your book posts in the comments below. Include something you read on your own, with a child, or someone else.

It's Me

Disclosure: As noted above, we purchased the book from Kathy and admit to having her autograph it for the boys while we were there.

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