Category Archives ouchie

Hardwood floors 1 – Wiggly Tooth 0

Last night, if you followed me on Twitter, a panicked Tweet went out just at about 9:00. As other people were settling in to watch the last episode of Lost, I was calling my parents to quickly come to my house.

After our fun day in the sun at The Great Escape, the boys were exhausted. We ate dinner, TechyDad gave them baths and it was time for bed. NHL was in bed and JSL was still getting settled. After TechyDad brushed his teeth, he went to get his sippy cup with water. I was getting something on my side of the bed and the lights were out. JSL came running into the room and WHAM!

After the initial thud, I heard horror-movie screams coming from my three year old son. I ran to the other side of the bed yelling for TechyDad to come quick (he had just gotten into the shower). When I flicked on the light and got to the other side of the bed where JSL was, he was getting up. His hands covering his mouth and blood was all over the place.

I could quickly see that he had a gash in his bottom lip. TechyDad came in and helped me to take him into the bathroom to try to see what was going on. JSL was beyond upset and did NOT want anything to touch him. We obviously needed to check his teeth, face and head. I asked if he would put ice on the lip to make it feel better. Thank goodness, he agreed. I got a paper towel to put on it and we got the bleeding to stop.

Meanwhile, I had called my parents. With NHL in bed, I was not sure if we were off to the ER with the little guy. My father left Lost and rushed over to our house. He definitely helped to calm JSL down and we were able to see that the bleeding had stopped. Looking into his mouth was another story. I was in a panic imagining the worst about his teeth. JSL refused to go into our room and wanted to stay on the couch. At a little after 11:00, he finally agreed to come and rest/sleep with me.

Soon after fall

This morning, TechyDad and I held JSL down and I was able to look in more. I could see bruises all around his two top front teeth and it did not look good. Luckily, we were able to get into the dentist this afternoon. Here is a photo of the little guy asleep in his stroller as we waited to see the dentist.

Sleeping before dentist visit

I love our dentists – can not say enough wonderful things about them. Dr. N reassured me that we did the right thing with ice and coming in today. As he slept, she moved his upper lip and touched his teeth. Immediately, I saw one move. My heart broke momentarily. She could tell and told me not to panic. When she got the little mirror to check under the teeth, JSL woke up and was not a pleased patient. She got a look inside and said it was bruising that I saw. She asked if I would be ok holding him for an x-ray and I agreed. It took the two of us holding him on me to get it, but it worked. It looks like there is no root damage or anything more to the tooth.

For now, we have to watch and keep it clean, cut his food (no biting into things) and go back in a few weeks for his regular check-up. Looks like his three year portraits will be waiting a little while. Oh and once again, I am requesting a little bubble for JSL because the kid has given me one too many scares in his three years.


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Moments with Mimi

A week ago Friday, I received a phone call from my father. He was on his way to my grandmother’s house because she fell down over another person’s wheelchair. 911 had to be called because she could not get up and was in a great deal of pain. After many tests, they were able to rule out several things. After a CAT scan, they found a double pelvic fracture. Mimi was in the hospital until mid last week. At that point, she was doing well enough to be transferred to a facility for rehab. She actually ended up going to the same home that my grandfather had been in for many years.

Fun time with Mimi

On Friday, the boys and I went to the home to see Mimi. When we arrived in her room, JSL clammed up. He stopped talking, would not look at people and was shaking. He had never been there before. NHL had actually been in the same room with Poppy S, but he was so little he would not remember it.

We stayed for a short time and then left to let Mimi rest. The next day, it was beautiful and we met Mimi outside for some air. Once again, we noted that JSL did the same thing. When he was near the wheelchair and Mimi, he was skittish at best. When he walked with Aunt S to her car for something, he perked up. Then, as he came closer to us, he stopped again. We talked with him about how Mimi was there to help her get better. In two year old terms, we told him that Mimi fell down and had a boo-boo that needed to get better by staying there. NHL had done something similar with Poppy S when he was in his wheelchair when NHL was about this age.

When we decided to go back to visit Sunday afternoon, we took a bag of tricks with us. We figured if JSL had some toys, he may be more comfortable. Here are both of the kids wearing their animal backpacks in to visit Mimi.

Heading in to see Mimi

It worked like magic. JSL was so excited to show Mimi his items that he was not nervous. He ran around, sang and even danced with NHL. NHL was singing Michael Jackson songs from his concert a few weeks ago. Here are both of the boys and Crush having some fun:

Playing while visiting Mimi

Then, it was time to say goodbye to Mimi and do some Passover shopping. Here’s to wishing Mimi a speedy recovery. The boys are looking forward to playing at her apartment when she goes back home. 


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A snowy birthday to remember

Each of us probably has a birthday that we will always remember. I have several of those from my childhood, when I first met TechyDad and as a mother. Yesterday, I added another memorable one into the group.

As if turning another year older is not enough, add being sick. My Neti Pot and I became very good friends by the end of the day. I was up most of the night not feeling well. Poor TechyDad was up with me and felt lousy in the morning. He had a headache and sore throat. He called in sick to rest up and try to feel better. Then there was the snow. The reminder of winter and the frigid months that are ahead came back fast and furious. The 1-2 inches turned into at least 5-6 inches of very heavy/wet snow.

NHL’s school was closed, along with pretty much every other school in the area and beyond. The two little guys were anxious to get outside. Too bad TechyDad and I were not feeling as excited about it thanks to illness. To delay going out TechyDad got the boys to give me my birthday presents. The boys gave me a Snuggie since I am always freezing in our house as we attempt to save the planet and cut costs. TechyDad had already bought me the "Forget Me-Knot" charm for my Pandora bracelet. In addition to this, he gave me a subscription to Picnik Premium. I had been toying with this for a while, but he splurged and now I get to play.

After breakfast, we found all of the snow gear so the boys went out. TechyDad focused his attention on the roof. He raked the snow to try to avoid the ice damn issues of the past few years.

Heading out into the snow

Meanwhile, the boys had fun. NHL kept pegging JSL with snow and eventually the little guy caught on and did some sneak attacks on him. Once TechyDad was done with the raking and sidewalk in front, he helped the boys to make a snow creature and sled down the street for a few rides. Here is a photo show I created using Picnik.


When the boys came in, they were soggy and cold. So hot chocolate came out and then it was time for lunch. Eventually, TechyDad figured it was best to get our cars out from under the snow. NHL went outside to help Daddy. Meanwhile the little guy and I set out to bake a cake. We had planned on going out for a nice birthday dinner and then to have cake with my parents. Since I felt awful and so did hubby, we asked for a raincheck.

Cake baking time

While the cake was baking, I heard a scream of "Oh no!" come from outside the window by my laptop. I looked outside and saw TechyDad grab NHL and scream to me to come to the door quickly. I ran and grabbed tissues expecting something to be bleeding. By this point, NHL was howling in pain. The boys were digging out the driveway together. NHL walked in front of hubby as he was looking down. TechyDad did not know he was back there and lifted up a big shovel of snow just as NHL bent down. The shovel got NHL right on the outside edge of his eyebrow.

When they arrived at the door, there was blood all over the place (faces are brutal like that). I grabbed more tissues (could not find gauze). We removed the pressure for an inspection. I could see there was a deep gash. Still in my PJ’s, I called my mother. She came to our rescue. While TechyDad finished getting his car uncovered, I got NHL ready to go to the ER. He was in a panic because of past stitches history (and removal). The boys picked up Nana on the way.

Long story short, they went to a new ER and it was a good experience. The people there were amazing and in the end NHL did not need stitches. They were able to use glue to put the skin back together. Now we just have to be careful to watch for an infection and to make sure it holds. We go back to the doctor on Monday for a check to see how things are going.

He's a tough kiddo

So after that eventful day, I used my Neti Pot (with an audience amazed to see the magical event) before bed and curled under my flannel sheets to bid adieu to my birthday for 2009.


P.S. TechyDad wrote about yesterday here. He has photos from the ER and of my cake right before we ate it.


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Head + concrete = trip to ER

Dear JSL,

Yesterday afternoon was filled with a lot of crying, panic and rushing about. We were having a great day. We spent time with Nana and Papa. After a while we went to BJ’s to do some shopping. You slept while we shopped. Then you woke up in time to have some potato chips for lunch. Soon it was time to head to school to pick up your big brother. I was excited to hear how he did on his first ever spelling test. You were still pretty tired, but I could not take the stroller out of the trunk.

NHL came out of school and we were walking back to my car. Another teacher stopped us to ask a question. You and NHL were right next to me, my back was turned ever so slightly. Then I heard a sound that haunted me in my sleep. It was a horrifying THUD and it echoed like nothing I have ever heard before. There was a pause, time seemed to stop. . . and then I heard you scream. My heart sank as I quickly realized that terrible noise was your forehead making a B-line for the cement.

NHL’s kindergarten teacher saw the entire thing. You just slipped on your own feet and went down hard. I knew we had to go into the building. I rushed right into the nurses office. When we arrived in there you were screaming even louder. I moved your hair back and saw blood and started to freak. I imagined the worse. You never passed out, but were quite woozy. All I can say is thank goodness the nurse was right there. The nurse kept an ice pack on your head and kept you focused and listening to her. Meanwhile I called Nana and Papa to come quick. Then I put a call in for the doctor and called Daddy to meet us at the ER.

When Nana and Papa arrived we quickly moved out of the school to the car and went to the ER. I had to stop myself from recalling the past visits there, but it was not easy. After what seemed like forever they took us back and two doctors looked at you. By the time I took the first photo in the ER the swelling had gone down a little. The second is when we were finally back home.

In the ER about 2 hours after fall    Back home and swelling down a little

After a while they said that you seemed fine. They did not think that you had a concussion, but we were to keep a close eye on you. We went back home and you ate a little dinner and some chocolate seemed to make you a happy little guy. Then it was time for bed. You fell asleep quickly, but were fussy several times during the night. No doubt you had nightmares of what had happened like I did. 

Sleeping after a rough day

I hope that the rest of the weekend goes more smoothly. I am not sure we can handle much more excitement. As it is, Daddy and I are seriously starting to think about buying you full hockey goalie gear to protect you.




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Physical, allergy testing and dentist…oh my!

This week has been pretty busy. Originally, I thought NHL was going to the allergist on Tuesday. Monday they called and told me the visit was Wednesday. I was not happy since I know I put it on my calendar immediately. My main concern was we already had NHL’s 6 year old physical exam at our family doctor Wednesday afternoon. I knew we could swing both of them, but it would be "interesting" to say the least.

Monday I also called the pediatric dentist. I told them that this tooth was not budging and the new one was really coming in behind it. In adddition to this I reminded them that hubby only lost one tooth on his own. Every other tooth was pulled by the dentist, so perhaps NHL was going to have some troubles. They offered me a Tuesday appointment, which I did not take since I thought we were going to the allergist. The only other option was Thursday. I took it with the hopes that we could get his tooth out by that point.

Tuesday night JL and NHL sat down on the couch and really worked on the tooth. Here they are getting ready and going for some wiggles with gauze to assist the grip: 

Getting ready to wiggle  Attempt with gauze to assist

After this, I thought we were really close. Check it out. In this photo you can see the new tooth in back and that tiny speck in front is the front edge of the baby tooth that will not let go.

Barely hanging on, but will not budge more

Shortly after this photo was taken I opted to do a video of this hopeful milestone. While filming, JL felt a pop and suddenly the tooth was bleeding. This really freaked NHL out. No matter what we tried, NHL refused to let us back into his mouth. We called it a night and got both of the boys into bed. JSL was getting quite concerned about his big brother. Check out the serious face.

What should I do?

Wednesday NHL went to the doctor for his physical. When we arrived we found out that they were already giving flu shots. This sent NHL over the edge, but he and I both had them. Everything else went well during his appointment. The doctor’s only concern was that one of his eyes is not moving along with the other. Since NHL has low muscle tone it may be related to this. When we got into the car after everything I called and made an appointment with the specialist for the end of September. Hopefully it is nothing, but we will have to wait and see (no pun intended).

Less than an hour after this we went to the allergists office. JL met us there because I was afraid NHL would put up a huge fight. We talked with the doctor for a while about how things have been great this summer – no medications needed. We talked over a plan of action for back to school and onto the rest of the year. Then it was time for allergy testing. While we waited for JL to show up at the right doctor’s office NHL colored. Then it was time to check things out. He was a pretty good sport and was glad it was done on his back so he could continue to color.

Before allergy testing    During the allergy testing

Much to our surprise nothing came up positive on the test. The doctor can not explain why it did a few years ago and nothing now. So we left with our game plan that was used last year. Our goal is to control the items that bother him and prevent an asthmatic reaction that usually comes during the school year.

Last night JL tried to work on NHL’s tooth again. After much crying and wiggling the tooth just did not want to move in the one spot. JL said that it was just the way his teeth used to hold on. NHL was very upset about not getting it out on his own and going to the dentist. We explained that it was not his fault and we are lucky to have the dentist that may be able to help.

On a last ditch effort we had corn on the cob to try to see what it could do. NHL refused to eat it. No worries though, JSL devoured his piece and then here is a video of him with NHL’s cob.


So today we head to the dentist to have her check NHL’s tooth. We shall see how it goes. I will mention to her that the position of the tooth is really altering his speech and that concerns me (our family doctor even noted it until I explained the tooth troubles).


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