Category Archives teething

Physical, allergy testing and dentist…oh my!

This week has been pretty busy. Originally, I thought NHL was going to the allergist on Tuesday. Monday they called and told me the visit was Wednesday. I was not happy since I know I put it on my calendar immediately. My main concern was we already had NHL’s 6 year old physical exam at our family doctor Wednesday afternoon. I knew we could swing both of them, but it would be "interesting" to say the least.

Monday I also called the pediatric dentist. I told them that this tooth was not budging and the new one was really coming in behind it. In adddition to this I reminded them that hubby only lost one tooth on his own. Every other tooth was pulled by the dentist, so perhaps NHL was going to have some troubles. They offered me a Tuesday appointment, which I did not take since I thought we were going to the allergist. The only other option was Thursday. I took it with the hopes that we could get his tooth out by that point.

Tuesday night JL and NHL sat down on the couch and really worked on the tooth. Here they are getting ready and going for some wiggles with gauze to assist the grip: 

Getting ready to wiggle  Attempt with gauze to assist

After this, I thought we were really close. Check it out. In this photo you can see the new tooth in back and that tiny speck in front is the front edge of the baby tooth that will not let go.

Barely hanging on, but will not budge more

Shortly after this photo was taken I opted to do a video of this hopeful milestone. While filming, JL felt a pop and suddenly the tooth was bleeding. This really freaked NHL out. No matter what we tried, NHL refused to let us back into his mouth. We called it a night and got both of the boys into bed. JSL was getting quite concerned about his big brother. Check out the serious face.

What should I do?

Wednesday NHL went to the doctor for his physical. When we arrived we found out that they were already giving flu shots. This sent NHL over the edge, but he and I both had them. Everything else went well during his appointment. The doctor’s only concern was that one of his eyes is not moving along with the other. Since NHL has low muscle tone it may be related to this. When we got into the car after everything I called and made an appointment with the specialist for the end of September. Hopefully it is nothing, but we will have to wait and see (no pun intended).

Less than an hour after this we went to the allergists office. JL met us there because I was afraid NHL would put up a huge fight. We talked with the doctor for a while about how things have been great this summer – no medications needed. We talked over a plan of action for back to school and onto the rest of the year. Then it was time for allergy testing. While we waited for JL to show up at the right doctor’s office NHL colored. Then it was time to check things out. He was a pretty good sport and was glad it was done on his back so he could continue to color.

Before allergy testing    During the allergy testing

Much to our surprise nothing came up positive on the test. The doctor can not explain why it did a few years ago and nothing now. So we left with our game plan that was used last year. Our goal is to control the items that bother him and prevent an asthmatic reaction that usually comes during the school year.

Last night JL tried to work on NHL’s tooth again. After much crying and wiggling the tooth just did not want to move in the one spot. JL said that it was just the way his teeth used to hold on. NHL was very upset about not getting it out on his own and going to the dentist. We explained that it was not his fault and we are lucky to have the dentist that may be able to help.

On a last ditch effort we had corn on the cob to try to see what it could do. NHL refused to eat it. No worries though, JSL devoured his piece and then here is a video of him with NHL’s cob.


So today we head to the dentist to have her check NHL’s tooth. We shall see how it goes. I will mention to her that the position of the tooth is really altering his speech and that concerns me (our family doctor even noted it until I explained the tooth troubles).


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Tooth wiggles or not

Yesterday, while sitting on the couch playing Nintendo DS , NHL told me that his tooth hurt. Hmmm. . . . this was something he has never said before. Of course, I asked him to come over to show me what was bothering  him. He said that two of his teeth hurt. Nothing was visibly wrong, so I went further. Since NHL is almost 5 1/2 now I knew that it could be an adult tooth pushing up on one of his baby teeth.

Sure enough, when I touched the one tooth it seemed to wiggle ever so slightly. When I told NHL the news he jumped up and down and was so excited. When I looked a little closer I was not sure if I saw the new tooth moving in behind the baby tooth. I will keep an eye on it in case we need to make a dentist appointment to have it checked or pulled. JL had to have all but two of his teeth pulled (same for my brother), so they may not loosen easily.Thanks to the new developments, we need to figure out what we are going to do when he does have a tooth come out.

Changing smile

So I ask you:  What do you do, are you a Tooth Fairy Family?  Please tell me what the Tooth Fairy does in your house, or what you do instead of the Tooth Fairy.

Thanks so much for your ideas, I have a feeling I may be needing them sooner rather than later.


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Teething monster strikes again

Let me go on the record and say that the canine teeth are evil little boogers when they decide to come in. I vaguely recall these teeth being the worst when NHL was little, but my memory was quickly restored thanks to JSL. The little guy has been an absolute mess the last week or so. He does not want to eat, prefers nursing (YES he is still nursing) more often, will not settle at night to sleep, and is up many times during the night.

Last night was particularly bad. He did not settle until we pulled out the Motrin and gave it to him. Of course it helped him to get to sleep initially, but did not last. JSL was up at least 3-4 times during the night. After the second time he was up howling, he ended up in our bed where we all seem to be able to sleep some.

Prior to these evil little teeth pushing their way into JSL’s mouth, getting him to sleep at night was fairly easy. He loved to snuggle up with his new silky blanket and a pillow. Thanks to a great giveaway on An Island Life we were introduced to Kennedy Grace Boutique on Etsy. Cathi’s baby blankets are absolutely amazing. JSL quickly declared the beautiful silky soft new blanket his. We had Cathi make it with our last name so either of the boys could use it. NHL gladly allowed JSL to have it since he is quite attached to his "squeaky" blanket buddies.

Sleep time with favorite blankets

Thanks again to Kailani and Cathi for helping to make our non-teething night time routines so wonderful. I can not wait until these pesky teeth are in and JSL can go back to simply curling up with his silky blanket to have sweet dreams.



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Weekend full of teething

This weekend it was teething festival here in Angel Land. Not only did my little niece S cut her first two teeth while visiting, but JSL was also hard at work. Friday night into Saturday two tiny points of his upper one year molars finally showed their face. Sunday into Monday JSL was up most of the night. Yesterday he had a low grade fever and sure enough I believe molar four has now graced us. He has been working on these suckers for quite some time. Hopefully having them cut will relieve the pressure. Now I just hope that the fever is gone because it always makes me nervous with him after our adventure and hospital stay in February.

Obviously I have no photos of the teeth, but I am including more attempts at photos of the three cousins from the weekend. Many of you may recall my Mission Impossible post from earlier in the month. Please note these are also to keep Nana happy since she checks in here!

Both of the boys love their little cousin S. NHL and JSL enjoyed showing her all of the new toys at Nana and Papa’s house. 

The boys with cousin S

Watching JSL and S play was too funny. They played follow the leader often, and would get into baby spats over toys. JSL was usually a gentleman and gave his little cousin what she wanted. 

The little ones play at Nana and Papa's

Sunday morning before going home S gave all of us a big scare. She had egg yolk for the first time and had a horrible allergic reaction. Thankfully after some antihistamine you would never know that she had anything happen. It was quite scarry for all of us here, and especially for Aunt M who was away. While we watched to make sure the medicine worked the kids played. 

Cousins play together

Nana had to work during the day and requested once again a photo of all three of the kids. As you know from the previously mentioned Mission Impossible, this is no easy task. Here I present all of the kids together in one way or another. BTW – the program I used to make the collage chopped the parts off, so this was not the best view of these photos. 

Technically all three kids together

Cousin S loved to show everyone she was "So Big" and JSL loved to laugh and dance for the turkey that Papa had. All was good in the land of teething kids. 

Happy babies!

The best thing that happened this weekend. I now know what to get my sweet little niece for her first birthday. She loved the Fisher Price Little People, so I have already told everyone that we are getting her some of those.


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Lightning strike 3 and silly boys

Before starting my main post, I would like to wish my little brother a very happy birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day . . . even if you worked all day. With any luck the day went by quickly. 

My little brother in 1985

This is Uncle I back in 1985 when he was about the same age as NHL. Hard to believe that now he is married and the father of my beautiful little niece S.
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This afternoon we had yet another thunderstorm head through the area. At one point the lights flashed on and off and I quickly grabbed the boys. I turned off my computer, made sure we had a flashlight and sat with NHL and JSL on the couch to watch Blues Clues. All of the sudden there was a loud clap of thunder and a big crash outside. I honestly thought nothing of it.

Fast forward to when JL came home from work. He announced that the tree next door had huge chunks of it on the ground. I quickly grabbed my shoes and went outside to take a look. Sure enough the tree was struck by lightning. For those of you keeping track this would be the third lightning strike on our block (in a 5 house stretch no less) in just about 13 months. Strike 1 was back on June 27, 2007 and the second on July 10, 2007

Lightning 3 - Trees 0

I e-mailed my neighbor assuming that she knew about the damage. I was wrong, it was the first she heard of it. Now we have to try to get the city to take down the tree because it is in really bad shape and not safe with all of the kids around.

Let me tell you I cringe now when I hear storms are coming in since our neighborhood seems to be a lightning magnet . . . . literally!

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This morning before JL went to work both of the boys were entertaining Daddy with their antics. Perhaps they were extra silly thanks to being up at 4:00 this morning. Either way they had a blast making us laugh.

First up is NHL showing that he can make the letter "P" with his body. Of course I really think he was trying to get away with using potty talk and was just clever to come up with this cover.

I'm the letter P

Next up JSL firmly believes that he has a wonderful new hat. Please look closely and see what he is chanting "hat" to in the photo. If you look closely you can also see his new molar that FINALLY is out. Now two other molar points on the top at working their way through his poor gums.

It's a HAT I tell you

Finally NHL wanted to put on two pairs of his glasses. He thought it was hilarious and called himself "Four Eyes" while asking for a photo.  

Super Star

These are the moments that remind me why I love being home with my boys. I try to remember these rather than the ones of them screaming and trying to avoid the new afternoon rest time. 


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